API Reference
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API Reference

The status of API requests are indicated by standard HTTP response codes.

The response body of a failed API request will be JSON encoded, containing details about the error.

See below, an example of when a request is made without an API key:

  "type": "auth",
  "code": "authentication_error",
  "message": "No API key has been provided"

Errors will always contain at least three keys, type, code, message and field.

  • type identifies the class of error encountered.
  • code is the specific error encountered.
  • message is a human-readable reason for the error.
  • field is an optional value identifying which request argument is invalid.

type values

  • "auth" is for errors where authenticating the request failed.
  • "validation" is for errors where the request was invalid in some way.
  • "not_found" is for errors where we couldn't find the resource you requested.
  • "internal" is for errors where the API failed to process the request.

code values

  • "authentication_error" - failed to authenticate the API key or organisation who owns it.
  • "invalid_request" - the request was invalid in some way. Check the API documentation for usage.
  • "not_found" - could not find the requested resource.
  • "internal_server_error" - the API did something wrong. Oops!